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Universal Law of Attraction - Command the Universe to Attract Your Desires By Michael Lee

The universal law of attraction is the greatest of the ancient and unchanging fundamental laws that govern the universe. The universal law of attraction, simply put, is "like attracting like." If you think it, it will come.

All of us are made up of energy. We have within us the same atoms and molecules that comprise the universe. Therefore, we are interconnected, and whatever energy we give off-whether positive or negative-will attract energy similar to it.

The universal law of attraction is kicked into high gear when what starts off as an idea is nurtured into a dream or desire, and then guided to fruition by your actions or the steps you take to achieve it.

Perhaps you are familiar with the power of positive thinking. That is precisely what this is. It is all in the mind, as the famous adage goes.

As powerful and effective as having this kind of mindset is, the same holds true for the opposite. If you focus too much on the negative and continuously fret about one thing or other, then the negative aspects will manifest themselves to you.

Whereas if you went about life in a constant state of optimism and affirmation, then those are the sorts of vibes you are sending out into the world. The world will then pick up on those vibrations, and they will respond in kind.

In Paulo Coelho's bestselling book, The Alchemist, the old king tells the shepherd boy, "When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it." This is the essence of the universal law of attraction. It's not a matter of "if" you will get what you want. Rather, it is "when" your innermost desires will come to you.

According to the universal law of attraction, you have the power to make things happen just by thinking it. Clichéd though it may be, anything is possible if you put your mind to it. If you can think it, you can have it, do anything you want, or become anyone you want to be.

Leave no room for fear and negativity, or these insidious emotions will rule over your life and follow you around like a storm cloud. Do not doubt for one second that your dreams will come true. If you are completely and utterly convinced that they will materialize, then trust that they will do just that. But don't merely sit around on your laurels absorbing everything that comes your way. Take charge and draw toward yourself all the success and prosperity the universe has created for you. Though you may not know it yet, you are in complete control of your life.

But how do you exactly think your way to success? Focus on your goal, imagine it is within your grasp, and visualize its attainment. Experience it in your mind-the sensation of it in your fingers, having it so close you can actually smell it, and the exhilaration of knowing it is already yours. Allow yourself these positive emotions and you will attract similarly positive results.

In film, the difference between drama and melodrama is that, with the latter, their environment influences the characters. With drama, on the other hand, the characters themselves shape their own circumstances. As with the universal law of attraction, you make your own reality; just like in a movie, you have your own happy ending.

Resource Box:
Michael Lee has unleashed the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success. Listen to the audio at

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