NLP and Hypnosis Success Formula

Have you ever tried to get rid of a harmful behavior, only to not succeed? There is an extensive list of ordinary problem behaviors that people often try to change or get rid of using self-hypnosis or NLP. Perhaps the most common are: Overeating and weight loss; stop smoking; quit chewing tobacco; stop nail biting; increasing self-confidence; overcoming insomnia and sleeping better; improving memory; and managing stress.

WHAT THE MIND CAUSES, THE MIND CAN CURE: The motivation for our behaviors starts in our thoughts. When you stop and think about it, all of these unconstructive behaviors are the product of negative thinking. In other words, you think and motivate yourself into all of these behaviors. Or at least you think yourself into feeling worried, and that can be the origin of these behaviors. And because you think and motivate yourself into these behaviors, you can think and motivate yourself out of them. But in order to effectively think and motivate yourself out of them, you will need to know specifically how to go about doing so.

DESIRE: You are most likely reading this article for the reason that you want the motivation to alter some personal behaviors. And that's handy because the first ingredient in the "Motivation Formula For Your Success" is that you must want or desire to change. If you have read this far, at least some part of you wishes a change.

BELIEF IS REQUIRED FOR MOTIVATION: Before anyone can change an unconstructive behavior, that person must be motivated to do so. Merely desiring a behavior to change is not adequate.

Motivation comes from the things that we believe. If we believe that something very important to us will get better or "become enhanced" if we alter our behavior, then we will feel motivated. Conversely, if we believe that something very important to us will be in jeopardy if we don't alter our behavior, we will also feel motivated to change.

Some simple examples of these motivational beliefs might be:

If I lose weight, then I'll be able to get a date or find someone to love me.

If I kick my smoking habit, then I'll be healthier.

If I stop biting my nails, then my hands will look a lot more attractive.

TECHNOLOGIES THAT CAN CREATE THE BELIEFS THAT LEAD TO MOTIVATION: NLP - which is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, offers strategies that are able to immediately produce the element of belief. You can learn more concerning this by reading the articles "How To Get Motivated To Exercise Using Hypnosis And NLP" and "Motivation Theory - How To Quit Smoking Using NLP And Hypnosis For Motivation." These articles are both available in my free hypnosis research library.

DECISION: The dictionary definition of the word "Decision" is making up one's mind / a verdict or judgment. When you accept as true an idea that provides you with a powerful feeling of motivation to change your behavior, you will feel a powerful urge to make a decision to eliminate a negative behavior. Decision is the key that unlocks the door to taking action.

ACTION: The dictionary definition of the word "Action" is an act or deed / to do or perform. Taking action means that rather than just daydreaming about making personal changes, you will actually take action and create your desired changes.

SELF-TALK: One of the reasons that most people are unsuccessful at eliminating a negative behavior is because of the way that they talk to themselves. Self-talk is vital because very often it is part of what caused the negative behavior in the first place.

I'd like you to consider this for a moment: Let us say that you want to kick a cigarette habit. The first thing that you are likely to say or think to yourself is: "I'm not going to smoke anymore."

It is common for people to tell themselves what they aren't going to do. Unfortunately, when we tell ourselves what we are not going to do, we are actually programming ourselves to do it!

SELF-TALK EXERCISE: Say the following to yourself: I can't see blue. I can't see polka dots . . . . .

I'll bet your mind showed you the color blue, and then it showed you polka dots. That's because when we tell ourselves what we do not want to do, or what we won't do, in order to make sense of it our mind must make an image of us doing whatever it is that we would like to stop doing. And when we imagine ourselves participating in a behavior, our mind compels us to produce that behavior.

SUMMARY: In order to modify a negative behavior, we must want or DESIRE to get rid of it. BELIEF is the element that creates MOTIVATION. MOTIVATION is the drive that pushes us to DECISION. DECISION is the key to ACTION. NLP is a method that we can use to facilitate beliefs, motivation, decisions, and actions.

When we tell ourselves what we are not going to do, we make a mental image of ourselves engaging in the behavior that we want to modify. And that mental image gives us an urge to create the unwanted behavior. So if we want to get rid of a negative behavior, instead of telling ourselves what we won't do, we must always tell ourselves what we will do.

To break the smoking addiction say: "I can live without them."

To erase cravings for food that will make you fat or to stop chewing smokeless chewing tobacco say: "I can live without it."

To reduce stress say: "I'm relaxed and calm, both mentally and physically."

To fall asleep quickly and overcome insomnia say: "I fall asleep quickly, and sleep soundly throughout the night."

Alan B. Densky, CH is an NLP Practitioner and certified hypnotherapist. He operates the Neuro-VISION Video Hypnosis website and the Self-hypnosis Video Blog. He offers hypnosis & NLP CDs for motivation. Visit his website for his free downloads of hypnosis & NLP MP3's, newsletters, and his hypnosis research library.